The importance of food nutrition fortifiers
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The importance of food nutrition fortifiers

Čas publikování: 2023-03-21     Původ: Stránky

Food nutritional fortifiers refer to natural or synthetic food additives that artificially increase nutrients and are added to foods, and fall within the scope of natural nutrients.

Food fortification was originally proposed as a solution to a public health problem. The overall purpose of food fortification is to ensure that people get comprehensive and reasonable nutrition at various growth and development stages and under various working conditions. To meet the normal needs of human physiology, life and work, in order to maintain and improve human health.This article will explain the importance of food nutrition fortifiers from the following five points.

(1) Make up for the defects of natural food and make its nutrition more balanced

There is almost no single food that can meet all the nutritional needs of the human body. Due to the dietary habits of people in various countries, the limitations of food harvest varieties, production, and living standards in the region. It is rare to include all nutrients in the daily diet, and some nutritional deficiencies often occur. According to nutritional surveys, there is a general lack of vitamin B2 everywhere. People who eat refined white rice and refined white noodles lack vitamin B1. Vitamin C deficiency is common in areas where fruits and vegetables are deficient. Inland areas are often iodine deficient. If these problems can be solved through nutritional fortification in the local basic diet. It will be able to reduce and prevent the occurrence of diseases and enhance the body's physical fitness.

(2) Make up for the loss of nutrients and maintain the natural nutritional characteristics of food

Foods tend to lose certain nutrients during processing, storage and transportation. The same kind of raw material has different loss of nutrients due to different processing methods. In actual production, food loss during processing should be minimized.

(3) Food for special populations

Some foods are designed to meet special dietary and health needs. It is required to add some nutrient elements specially to make the content of some nutrient components in the food exceed the normal level for the consumption of some special groups of people.

(4) Simplify meal handling

Because a single natural food can only supply certain nutrients needed by the human body, people will eat many kinds of food at the same time in order to obtain comprehensive nutritional needs. These complex dietary manipulations can be overcome with food fortification.

(5) Adapt to the needs of special occupations

The military and personnel engaged in mines, high-temperature and low-temperature operations, and some workers who are prone to occupational diseases need special foods with high energy and high nutrition due to special working conditions. And each job has specific needs for certain nutrients. Therefore, such fortified foods are extremely important and have gradually been widely used.

In addition, certain fortifiers can improve the sensory quality of food and improve the preservation performance of food. Such as vitamin E, lecithin, and vitamin C are not only the main fortifiers in food, but also good antioxidants.

With the development and progress of society and the continuous improvement of material life, food nutrition fortifiers have played their role in improving the level of human nutrition. Due to its strong pertinence and safety, it will occupy a more important position in the field of food processing in the future. Polifar is a professional supplier of additives such as vitamins and amino acids. If you are interested in these products, please contact us

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