What are the acidity regulators
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What are the acidity regulators

Čas publikování: 2023-01-13     Původ: Stránky

Acidity regulators, also known as pH regulators, are substances used to maintain or change the pH of food. Each acidity regulator has a different sourness and sourness profile.

There are many ways to classify acidity regulators. According to different functions, acidity regulators can be divided into acidifying agents, alkalizing agents and salts with buffering effects (buffering agents). In application, organic acids and salts with buffering effect are the main ones.

(1) Acidifier:

Acidulants are also called sour agents, and food additives whose main purpose is to impart sour taste to food are called sour agents. Sour flavoring agents are the most commonly used acidity regulators. Sour agents can be divided into inorganic acids and organic acids according to their chemical properties. Since many organic acids are normal components of food or participate in the normal metabolism of the human body, they are safe and widely used.

(2) Alkalizing agent:

Alkalinizing agent is also called alkaline agent, including calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, trisodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate and other 10 kinds.

(3) Buffer:

Buffers include sodium citrate, potassium citrate, monosodium citrate, and sodium lactate. In regulating sourness, citrate is better than phosphate, and its sourness is more mild.

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