What do you know about sorbitol?
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What do you know about sorbitol?

Čas publikování: 2022-05-02     Původ: Stránky

Sorbitol is easily soluble in water (1g in about 0.45ml water), but not in ethanol and acetic acid. It has fresh sweetness, about half the sweetness of sucrose, and its calorific value is similar to sucrose. When used as a sweetener, it will not cause tooth decay. In the food industry, it is mainly liquid sorbitol, with a content of 69% - 71%. Toxicity tests show that oral overdose may lead to diarrhea and indigestion.

  • What is the use of sorbitol?

  • What are the properties of sorbitol?

  • What are the chemical properties of sorbitol?

What is the use of sorbitol?

1. Sorbitol can be used as raw material for the production of vitamin C through fermentation and chemical synthesis. It can also be used as the raw material of industrial surfactant for the production of chip surfactant and interpolation surfactant. sorbitol has moisturizing property and can replace glycerol in the production of toothpaste, cigarettes and cosmetics. Rigid polyurethane foam with certain flame retardancy was prepared from sorbitol and propylene oxide. In the food industry, it can be used as sweetener, moisturizer, chelator and tissue regulator. In the pharmaceutical industry, sorbitan ester prepared by nitriding sorbitan is a drug for the treatment of coronary heart disease. Food additives, cosmetic raw materials, organic synthetic raw materials, moisturizers, solvents

2. Nutritional sweeteners, humectants, chelating agents and stabilizers. It is a special sweetener with moisturizing properties. It is not converted into glucose in the human body and is not controlled by insulin, so it is suitable for diabetic patients. It can be used for cake, and the maximum dosage is 5.0g/kg; The maximum dosage of surimi and its products is 0.5g/kg. It can also be used as defoamer in sugar making, brewing and soybean products. It can be used appropriately according to production needs. It can also be used to moisten raisins, thicken and preserve the aroma of alcohol and soft drinks, as well as candy and gum.

What are the properties of sorbitol?

Sorbitol can be widely used in pears, peaches and apples by reducing glucose production, with a content of about 1% ~ 2%. Its sweetness is equivalent to glucose, but it can give people a rich feeling. It is slowly absorbed and used by the body, and the blood sugar will not rise. It is also a good moisturizer and surfactant.

It is one of the earliest sugar alcohols used as food additives or thickeners in Japan. It can be used as a sweetener, for example, in the manufacture of sugar free gum. It can also be used as a moisturizer and adjuvant for cosmetics and toothpaste, and as a substitute for glycerol.

What are the chemical properties of sorbitol?

50% or 70% sorbitol aqueous solution, viscous transparent liquid, optical activity, slightly sweet, hygroscopic, can dissolve a variety of metals, unstable at high temperature. It can participate in the formation of anhydride, esterification, etherification, oxidation, reduction, isomerization and other reactions, and form complexes with a variety of metals.

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