What do you know about the xanthan gum?
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What do you know about the xanthan gum?

Čas publikování: 2022-03-21     Původ: Stránky

Xanthan gum has a unique rheology, good water solubility, stability to heat, acid and alkali, and good compatibility with various salts. As thickener, suspension agent, emulsifier and stabilizer, it can be widely used in more than 20 industries such as food, petroleum and medicine. It is currently the largest and most commonly used microbial polysaccharide in the world.

  • What are the properties of xanthan gum?

  • What is xanthan gum used for?

  • What is the structure of xanthan gum?

What are the properties of xanthan gum?

Xanthan rubber is currently the best biological adhesive in the world, thickening, suspending, emulsifying and stabilizing. The number of Brent Grain Acid groups at the end of the molecular side chain of xanthan gum has a major influence on its performance. xanthan gum has the general properties of long-chain polymers, but contains more functional groups than general polymers and exhibits unique properties under certain conditions. Its conformation in aqueous solution is diverse and shows different properties under different conditions.

What is xanthan gum used for?

1.Food: xanthan gum is added to many foods as a stabilizer, emulsifier, suspension agent, thickener and processing aid. xanthan gum can control the rheology, structure, taste and appearance of products, and its pseudoplasticity can ensure good taste, therefore it is widely used in salad dressings, bread, dairy products, frozen foods, beverages, spices, brewing, sweets and pastries, soups and canned foods. In recent years, people in developed countries often fear that the calorific value in food is too high and makes it fat. xanthan gum dispels these concerns as it cannot be broken down directly by the human body. In addition, according to a Japanese report of 1985, a comparative test of eleven food additives, xanthan gum is the most effective anticancer among them.

2.Daily chemical industry: xanthan gum contains a large number of hydrophilic groups in the molecule, which is a good surfactant and has the functions of antioxidant and prevention of skin aging. Therefore, almost most high-end cosmetics contain xanthan gum as the main functional component. In addition, xanthan gum can also be used as a component of toothpaste to significantly thicken and shape it, thereby reducing the wear of the tooth surface.

What is the structure of xanthan gum?

It is an extracellular acid heteropolysaccharide produced by fermentation of Xanthomonas spp. It is a polysaccharide polymer compound consisting of D-glucose, D-mannose and D-glucuronic acid in the ratio 2:2:1, with a relative molecular mass of more than 1 million. The secondary structure of xanthan gum is that the side chains are reversed around the backbone of the main chain and are held by hydrogen bonds to form a rod-like double helix structure.

xanthan gum is a light yellow to white flowable powder with a slight odor. Slightly soluble in cold and hot water, neutral in solution, frost and dew resistant, insoluble in ethanol. It is dispersed in water and emulsified to become a stable hydrophilic viscous colloid.

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