What is Maltodextrin
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What is Maltodextrin

Čas publikování: 2023-02-03     Původ: Stránky

There are many ingredients in our food, and maltodextrin is one of them. This article will tell you what is Maltodextrin.

Definition of maltodextrin:

Maltodextrin (MD), a polysaccharide food raw material, is a low conversion product between starch and starch sugar. White or light yellow amorphous powder in appearance, without visible impurities. It has a characteristic odor and is not sweet or slightly sweet in taste.

Raw material of maltodextrin:

Its raw materials are starchy corn, rice, etc. It can also be refined starch, such as corn starch, wheat starch, tapioca starch, etc. The main component is dextrin and contains polysaccharides, tetrasaccharides or oligosaccharides above tetrasaccharides, and also contains a small amount of maltose and glucose.

Characteristics of maltodextrin:

Maltodextrin is odorless, easily digestible, and low in heat. It has the characteristics of good solubility, low fermentability, good filling effect, not easy to absorb moisture, strong thickening, good carrier, good stability, and difficult to deteriorate. Maltodextrin contains a large amount of polysaccharides, and also contains calcium, iron and other trace elements and minerals that are beneficial to the human body, and can promote the normal substance metabolism of the human body.

Properties of maltodextrin:

The physical properties of maltodextrin are directly related to its hydrolyzed DE value. Therefore, the DE value not only indicates the degree of hydrolysis, but also is an important indicator to grasp the characteristics of the product. Generally speaking, the higher the degree of hydrolysis of maltodextrin, the greater the DE value, and the greater the oxygen solubility, sweetness, permeability, fermentability, browning reaction, and freezing point depression of the product. The texture, viscosity, pigment stability and crystallization resistance are worse.

Maltodextrin is a starch hydrolysis product with a DE value of 5-20. It is between starch and starch sugar, and it is a kind of nutritional polysaccharide with low price, creamy taste and no taste. Maltodextrin is generally a mixture of various DE values. It is available as a white powder or a concentrated liquid. Good fluidity, no smell, almost no sweetness. Good solubility and moderate viscosity. Low hygroscopicity, not easy to agglomerate. It has a good carrier effect and is an excellent carrier for various sweeteners, flavoring agents, fillers, etc. It has good emulsifying and thickening effects. It has the effect of promoting product forming and inhibiting product structure. Good film-forming performance, which can prevent product deformation and improve product appearance. It is easily absorbed by the human body, and is especially suitable as the basic raw material for food for patients, infants and young children. It has a good stabilizing effect on the foam of food and beverage. It has the effect of inhibiting the precipitation of crystals for crystalline sugar, and has significant "anti-sand" and "anti-melting" effects and functions.

If you want to know more about food ingredients, welcome to visit our website www.polifar.com.

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