What is the meaning of sodium benzoate?
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What is the meaning of sodium benzoate?

Čas publikování: 2022-07-23     Původ: Stránky

sodium benzoate is an organic substance with the chemical formula C7H5NaO2. It is a white granular or crystalline powder, odorless or slightly benzoine smelling, slightly sweet, with astringent taste. The relative molecular mass is 144,12. It is air stable and easily soluble. Water whose aqueous solution has a pH value of 8 is soluble in ethanol.

What does sodium benzoate do?

What is the mechanism of antiseptic action of sodium benzoate?

What are the physical properties of sodium benzoate?

What does sodium benzoate do?

sodium benzoate is widely used as a preservative in food processing and preservation and is used in limited quantities in some foods in some countries. Because benzoic acid can play a role in food in its free state, therefore the effect is better in strongly acidic foods. Benzoic acid is generally used in carbonated beverages, soy sauce, sauces, candied fruits, and fruit and vegetable drinks. Benzoic acid can be used together with para-hydroxybenzoic acid esters in soy sauce and beverages for synergy effects. Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate are widely used to preserve highly acidic fruits, jams, beverage syrups and other acidic foods.

What is the mechanism of antiseptic action of sodium benzoate?

Benzoic acid preservatives act on their undissociated molecules. Undesiciated benzoic acid has strong lipophilicity and can easily pass through the cell membrane and penetrate into the cell, interfering with the permeability of the cell membrane of microorganisms such as mold and bacteria, and hindering the cell membrane for amino acids. Absorb and penetrate the benzoic acid molecules into the cell, acidify the alkali storage in the cell, inhibit the activity of the respiratory enzyme system in the microbial cell and thus play a preservative role.

Benzoic acid is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent that has a good effect on yeasts, mold and some bacteria. It has an inhibitory effect on various bacteria within the maximum permissible range of application and a pH value below 4.5.

What are the physical properties of sodium benzoate?

sodium benzoate is usually a white granulate, odorless or with a slight benzoine smell, slightly sweet taste and astringent; Slightly soluble in water (room temperature) approx. 53.0 g/100 ml, pH approx. 8; There is no bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect in the sexual medium; The best PH value of its antiseptic is 2.5-4.0, and the sterilization effect of a 5% solution is not very good at PH5.0. sodium benzoate has high lipophilicity, easily penetrates the cell membrane and penetrates the cell body, disrupts the permeability of the cell membrane and inhibits the absorption of amino acids through the cell membrane; it penetrates the cell body to ionize and acidify the alkaline storage in the cell and inhibit the activity of the respiratory enzyme system of the cell. Prevent acetyl-CoA condensation reaction to achieve the purpose of food preservation.

I think after reading this, you have already planned what kind of sodium benzoate you want to buy. POLIFAR is an established manufacturer of sodium benzoates for more than several years. We work with customers from the start to the end to ensure that all your requirements are met.

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